Sitting Group

North County Coastal, San Diego


STUDY Focus - Gladdening the Heart/Mind

All too often in Buddhist practice, the emphasis is on Dukkha, or suffering. But the Buddha said “I teach suffering and the end of suffering.” The second half of that statement refers not only to abandoning what causes suffering, but to cultivating the wholesome states of mind such as joy, gladness, gratitude, generosity, even rapture. It is taught directly in the lists such as the Four Brahmaviharas and the Seven Factors of Awakening, but it’s also woven throughout many of his other teachings.

Starting June 1, we will begin an exploration of the study of gladdening the heart/mind. We will loosely follow the topics in James Baraz’ course and book “Awakening Joy,” which are: Intention; Mindfulness; Gratitude; Joy in Difficult Times; Integrity; The Joy of Letting Go; Loving Ourselves; Connection with Others; Compassion; and The Joy of Being.

You are encouraged to purchase James’ book, Awakening Joy: 10 Steps to Happiness, although it is not necessary. As usual, we will listen to, and discuss, talks on the topics. Additional resources will be provided along the way.

About the Group

We begin with a 30-minute silent meditation followed by a 30-minute recorded Vipassana-style Dharma talk. We then discuss the talk and how it relates to our lives. There is no teacher present. We are a peer-led group. We close with 5 minutes of silent meditation. While we encourage regular participation, there is no commitment required. Come as you are able.

This sitting group is open to all levels of meditators.

For future in-person meetings, chairs are available. If you prefer a cushion, please bring your own. Note the room has stone flooring.

A link to the Dharma talk will be sent a week ahead of time to those who register for the group. By registering. you can receive this information and other communications via email notices. You can unsubscribe yourself at any time.

Question? Please contact us at

After listening to the Dharma talk, everyone has an opportunity for mindful sharing. Click on 'Dharma Talks' to see links to these talks:

Is There a cost to join this group?

Following a 2,500-year tradition in which the community financially supports the offerings provided, the teachings and meditation sessions in this group are offered on a generosity (Dana) basis. No one is turned away because they cannot give. We are encouraging members to give what their budget and hearts of generosity allow, and/or to sign up for monthly giving on our donations page. By entering your information, you will be included in our Google Groups and email notification system.

North County Coastal, San Diego Sitting Group Registration Form

Please Indicate your level of interest.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments.